BG(2)EE Identifiers

Relates to offset 0x270 in the CRE file format.
For use with the ChangeEnemyAlly() action.
For use with the Allegiance() and AreaCheckAllegiance() triggers.

Includes all allegiances.

E.g. Sun Statue in Temple of Amaunator ("rngsta01.cre")

Regular party members.

Familiars of mages.

Creatures fully under control of the player.

Uncontrolled ally (green selection circle) of the player.

Creatures fully under control of the player.

Creatures of same allegiance as party, but uses red (hostile) selection circles. Can not be controlled by the player.

Creatures of same allegiance as party, but uses blue (neutral) selection circles. Can not be controlled by the player.

Used by script actions and triggers. Includes all party-friendly allegiances.

Used by script actions and triggers. Includes everything except party-friendly allegiances.

Doors, Containers, Regions and Animations. It is included in EA groups NOTGOOD, ANYTHING, and NOTEVIL.

Used by neutrals when targetting with enemy-only spells.

Used by script actions and triggers. Includes everything except hostile allegiances.

Used by script actions and triggers. Includes all hostile allegiances.

Hostile creatures, but uses green (friendly) selection circles.

Hostile creatures, but uses blue (neutral) selection circles.

This is just a separate EA from ENEMY for detection purposes. They're still valid objects for EVILCUTOFF and NearestEnemyOf(), but not by ENEMY. It's not specific to PCs.

Creatures that are hostile to the party and allied creatures.