
This file defines minimum stat required to be able to dual-class.
The first row (titles of columns ) is filled by the names of defined characteristics of PC (like MIN_STR = minimal strength ).
The first column is filled by class/kits names.
The crossings of the certain identifiers indicate if class/kit could be used with the characteristic of PC - used for character creation.

In PSTEE we have:
2DA V1.0
            MIN_STR     MIN_DEX     MIN_CON     MIN_INT     MIN_WIS     MIN_CHR
FIGHTER     15          0           0           0           0           0
PALADIN     15          0           0           0           0           15
RANGER      15          15          0           0           15          0
MAGE        0           0           0           15          0           0
CLERIC      0           0           0           0           15          0
DRUID       0           0           0           0           15          15
THIEF       0           15          0           0           0           0
BARD        0           15          0           0           0           15
ABJURER     0           0           0           15          0           0
CONJURER    0           0           0           15          0           0
DIVINER     0           0           0           15          0           0
ENCHANTER   0           0           0           15          0           0
ILLUSIONIST 0           0           0           15          0           0
INVOKER     0           0           0           15          0           0
NECROMANCER 0           0           0           15          0           0
TRANSMUTER  0           0           0           15          0           0