BMP file format

Applies to:

General Description
Microsoft format documentation

The Enhanced editions support also version 5 of the BMP format. It is largely the same as version 1 used by the original games, but supports 32-bit colors (still 8 bits per channel, but adds one for alpha).

Header format

Name Size Description
0x00 Signature 2 bytes 'BM'
0x02 FileSize 4 bytes File size in bytes
0x06 2 reserved words 4 bytes Unused (=0)
0x0a DataOffset 4 bytes File offset to Raster Data
0x0e Size 4 bytes Size of InfoHeader =40 
0x12 Width 4 bytes Bitmap Width
0x16 Height 4 bytes Bitmap Height
0x1a Planes 2 bytes Number of Planes (=1)
0x1c BitCount 2 bytes Bits per Pixel
0x1e Compression 4 bytes Type of Compression: BI_RGB (uncompressed), BI_BITFIELDS (uncompressed with color masks), BI_RLE4 / BI_RLE8 (with runtime encoding)
0x22 ImageSize 4 bytes (compressed) Size of Image 
It is valid to set this =0 if Compression = 0
0x26 XpixelsPerM 4 bytes Horizontal resolution: Pixels/meter
0x2a YpixelsPerM 4 bytes Vertical resolution: Pixels/meter
0x2e ColorsUsed 4 bytes Number of actually used colors
0x32 ColorsImportant 4 bytes Number of important colors 
0 = all
0x36 Color masks
    Red mask 4 bytes Mask identifying bits of red component
Green mask 4 bytes Mask identifying bits of green component
Blue mask 4 bytes Mask identifying bits of blue component
Alpha mask 4 bytes Mask identifying bits of alpha component
0x46 CSType 4 bytes Color space type
0x4a RedX 4 bytes X coordinate of red endpoin
0x4e RedY 4 bytes Y coordinate of red endpoin
0x52 RedZ 4 bytes Z coordinate of red endpoin
0x56 GreenX 4 bytes X coordinate of green endpoint
0x5a GreenY 4 bytes Y coordinate of green endpoint
0x5e GreenZ 4 bytes Z coordinate of green endpoint
0x62 BlueX 4 bytes X coordinate of blue endpoint
0x66 BlueY 4 bytes Y coordinate of blue endpoint
0x6a BlueZ 4 bytes Z coordinate of blue endpoint
0x6e GammaRed 4 bytes Gamma red coordinate scale value
0x72 GammaGreen 4 bytes Gamma green coordinate scale value
0x76 GammaBlue 4 bytes Gamma blue coordinate scale value
0x7a Intent 4 bytes Rendering intent for bitmap
0x7e ProfileData 4 bytes Offset to profile data
0x82 ProfileSize 4 bytes Size of embedded profile data
0x86 Reserved3 4 bytes