
This file defines constitution influence on the creature.
First column is the value of NPCs constitution
2nd column is the HP bonus for all classes except warriors
3rd the same as above for warriors
4th It refers to the minimum possible roll for Hit Points before the bonus is applied. For all human or related characters, this is a 1 (core-rules), but for giants, dragons, etc, it could be as high as 4, as the chart shows. Normal and Easy difficulties ignore this Min_Roll column as they grant the maximum possible roll for the class involved, plus any bonus.
In other words, if I'm a human fighter with an 18 CON, I can roll any value from 1 (Min_Roll) to 10 and then add my bonus. But if I'm a dragon with 25 CON, I can roll any value from 4 (Min_Roll) to whatever a dragon's max roll is and then any bonus that may be available. With Easy and Normal difficulties, the fighter would always roll a 10 + bonus, ignoring the Min_Roll value.
5th as name states, the rate of regeneration modifier
6th fatigue bonus for constitution
In BG2EE we have:
2DA V1.0
1       -3          -3          1                 0               -4
2       -2          -2          1                 0               -3
3       -2          -2          1                 0               -3
4       -1          -1          1                 0               -2
5       -1          -1          1                 0               -2
6       -1          -1          1                 0               -1
7       0           0           1                 0               -1
8       0           0           1                 0               0
9       0           0           1                 0               0
10      0           0           1                 0               0
11      0           0           1                 0               0
12      0           0           1                 0               0
13      0           0           1                 0               0
14      0           0           1                 0               0
15      1           1           1                 0               0
16      2           2           1                 0               1
17      2           3           1                 0               1
18      2           4           1                 0               2
19      2           5           1                 0               2
20      2           5           2                 60              3
21      2           6           3                 50              3
22      2           6           3                 40              4
23      2           6           4                 30              4
24      2           7           4                 20              5
25      2           7           4                 10              5