Search Maps

All areas have a search map, which controls where the player may walk, and the footstep sound while walking over certain areas.
The search map for BG2 is:
0 - Obstacle - impassable, light blocking (black)
1 - Sand ? (burgandy)
2 - Wood (green)
3 - Wood (brown)
4 - Stone - echo-ey (dark blue)
5 - Grass - soft (purple)
6 - Water - passable (turquoise)
7 - Stone - hard (light gray)
8 - Obstacle - impassable, non light blocking (dark grey)
9 - Wood (red)
10 - Wall - impassable (bright green)
11 - Water - passable (yellow)
12 - Water - impassable (blue)
13 - Roof - impassable (pink)
14 - Worldmap exit (light blue)
15 - Grass (white)

A sample search map (from ar0072) can be seen below.
Sample search map - AR0072